
tiktok is getting banned :D

#49: You're asking for a list of dumb things people did for attention prior to 1983?
@clousems said in #25:
> Here's an example:
> Keeping up with the Kardashians is/was (is that show still on?) stupid.
> If we banned Kardashians, it would lower ad revenue, arbitrarily make it impossible for morons who like the Kardashians to keep up with the Kardashians, and not do a whole lot of good. It would be idiotic.
> Also, to quote something I said back in 2019, "one can attain happiness by messing with stupid people."
What's even a Kardashian?
It's true though I didn't ever record anything dumb I did - partially due to the blessing of camera rarity for some of my teens, and also cause I actively avoided not sought recording lol. But there were always those kids that would drink bong water just to get a few laughs.
@clousems said in #52:
> Let's look at this another way: Idiocy is subjective. I personally think you kids are being idiots, and that your support of censorship is more dangerous dumb tiktok pranks.
Who are you talking to precisely?

> With that being said-- should you be banned? If not, why should we ban tiktok?
No, idiot people shouldn't be banned, their idiocy must be corrected so society gets better. But tiktok is different, because its use really harms society, and there's no way to fix its addictiveness except by completely banning it from society. The only beneficial thing is your thumb gets more muscular.
@clousems said in #52:
> Let's look at this another way: Idiocy is subjective. I personally think you kids are being idiots, and that your support of censorship is more dangerous dumb tiktok pranks.
You keep ignoring my point about Tiktok creating harmful death trends.
I am asking for you to provide examples before Tiktok was created of people actively harming themselves to gain clout on the internet.

> With that being said-- should you be banned? If not, why should we ban tiktok?
I can be banned if you garner enough support and get the moderators on your side.
@clousems said in #41:
> Counterpoints:
> Video games rot the brains of the younger generation with addictive content
> Soda pop rots the brains of the younger generation with addictive content
> TV and movies rot the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Social Media rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Popular fiction rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Rock music rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Being the dad in a Twisted Sister music video is not a good reason for depriving a large group of something that doesn't impact you anyways. At least the "security concerns" crowd has a (perceived) vested interest
> EDIT: Little worried about your downvote of #37. Hopefully, you still hadn't seen the fallacy in your logic, and it was not a statement in favor of casual censorship
I play games but yet my brain is not rotting yet what is your point?
they dont get light at night,cant get any entertainment and people have to save official peoples photos before their kids during a fire

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