
tiktok is getting banned :D

@InkyDarkBird said in #39:
> No?
> The Kardashians are of course stupid, but they aren't really harming anyone.
> Meanwhile Tiktok is rotting the brains of the younger generation with addictive content.

Video games rot the brains of the younger generation with addictive content
Soda pop rots the brains of the younger generation with addictive content
TV and movies rot the brains of younger generations with addictive content
Social Media rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
Popular fiction rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
Rock music rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content

Being the dad in a Twisted Sister music video is not a good reason for depriving a large group of something that doesn't impact you anyways. At least the "security concerns" crowd has a (perceived) vested interest

EDIT: Little worried about your downvote of #37. Hopefully, you still hadn't seen the fallacy in your logic, and it was not a statement in favor of casual censorship
@clousems said in #41:
> Counterpoints:
> Video games rot the brains of the younger generation with addictive content
> Soda pop rots the brains of the younger generation with addictive content
> TV and movies rot the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Social Media rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Popular fiction rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
> Rock music rots the brains of younger generations with addictive content
Those have a much less noticeable impact on society besides social media.
As I have said before, Tiktok regularly allows life-threatening "trends" and "pranksters" to thrive and is ruining society for innocent people.
All of those other activities do not harm innocent people who do not participate in those activities.
Yeah i heard so many ppl have died due to some of the dumb "trends" just so they could post on tiktok
@InkyDarkBird said in #42:
> Those have a much less noticeable impact on society besides social media.
> As I have said before, Tiktok regularly allows life-threatening "trends" and "pranksters" to thrive.
That's bullshit. There is no way to accurately isolate and quantify negative societal impacts from massive cultural trends.
Pranksters have existed long before social media.
@clousems said in #44:
> That's bullshit. There is no way to accurately isolate and quantify negative societal impacts from massive cultural trends. Pranksters have existed long before social media.
Before the rise of Tiktok, nearly no one on the internet decided it was worthwhile to risk their own life for content.
The pranksters you are describing are harmless pranks, such as pulling back a friend's chair.
These newer pranksters are actively harassing the general population.
@InkyDarkBird said in #45:
> Before the rise of Tiktok, nearly no one decided it was worthwhile to risk their own life for content.

That is incorrect. People have done dumb shit for attention long before the dawn of the internet.
@clousems said in #47:
> That is incorrect. People have done dumb shit for attention long before the dawn of the internet.
During Tiktok:
Jumping off a fast-moving boat
Nyquil chicken

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