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23 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Moving pieces becoming bigger is not desirable on mobile app#2

You could always use the click piece/click destination method instead of the drag 'n drop.

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Lichess Feedback - Not a blunder?#4

Promoting to either a queen or a bishop in this position is checkmate, try it, and checkmating(winning the game) is not a +10, it's off the charts(but in any case a swing from +10 to -1 IS a blunder) …

Lichess Feedback - Not a blunder?#1 So, according to Stockfish, missing checkmate by underpromoting to the wrong piece is an inaccuracy instead of a blunder. Not that it should be a matter of concern or an…

Lichess Feedback - Black 4 times in a row, including against same opponent#5

#4 Dev tools *chan chan chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*

Lichess Feedback - Simul question#3

#2 I think it already works like this. #1 The only "successful" simuls I've seen (and by successful I mean they had lots of players) are the ones made by streamers, and they obviously get that many pl…
