
Black 4 times in a row, including against same opponent

I've played the black pieces 4 games in a row now (out of 5 tonight), 2 were against the same opponent in a row... are you guys kidding with this?
You have played about 279 white and 280 black rated games, amazingly even. This suggests you get white in a row in a similar way without you noticing. Interestingly, latest 100 games you seem to have played better as black

If you use the rematch feature, you will always switch color.
Okay, it looks like many of you are missing the point and instead prefer to assume I'm an idiot. You can spare me your high school probability knowledge, I already know it's possible to get 4 times the same color in a row. What should NOT happen, however, is playing two times in a row against the same opponent, and play the same color each time. And yes, #3, I'm already aware that using rematch as opposed to creating a new game sidesteps this problem. This is the only site I've encountered that has this problem--it just shouldn't be the case. This is one instance where the color assignment should NOT be random.
Sorry, but no.

You specifically chose 'random colour'. Choose the white or black options next time if you want to create a new game versus the same opponent.
made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.

You should not expect to be the opposing colour if you select "random" on a new game against the same opponent. If you don't like it, manually choose the colour.

Pointless topic which will now be closed. PM with complaints, I get lonely in my ivory tower.

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