
Rated AND picking color?

Why does lichess allow rated games where a player picks his color? Seems like picking color should only be allowed in unrated games because one could just keep choosing White and have a somewhat inflated rating.

Yes, i agree with you . Even though it is not a big difference in standard, in atomic or anti or crazyhouse it makes a big difference being able to move first. You are able to control the game
It doesn't make any difference. He wouldn't be able to get a huge rating just because of the color. It would be very annoying not to be able to play rated games if you try to test a new opening.
You can test your opening all you want... you just have to get some games in with black as well. Neither the USCF nor FIDE would allow such an arrangment as rated games where you can pick White as many times as you want.
The option to pick your color or random exist because it is not a tournament.
When you ask for a rematch does it not alternate colors?
If the users have no plan on playing the same player a second time, it might be best to always pick random.
If a player wish to start with black or white, they have that option too. It fills all the needs, for everyone.

At the bottom of the chessboard we have a stat of how many times we played against a particular player. It might be interesting to see if the colors alternate or a pop up balloon suggesting to play white or black next time with that player.

Something monitoring the alternating colors with players we have already played.

I think that would be a good start, to help alternate colors.
Back in the day I came across a player when I actually did rated games... It may have been on another site I forget, but anyways they were cheeky.

They had white. I beat them.
They offered rematch.
I accepted.
They then aborted, offered rematch again so they had white.

I went on to beat them most of the games, but that was a definite self imposed handicap I took on to accept such games.

Other times I have played vs players who only want white and only play 1 game.

So I'm going to have to agree that rated games should not allow you to choose color.

On the other hand they could divide our ratings so as that when we play as white our rating is 10 or 15 points higher than when we play as black so you lose more points losing as white, and gain more points winning as black.
I do not know. It is fair to play as much white as black. However, say I am a 1. e4 player and want to change to 1. d4. To get practice I want to play many games with white. While I am serious about it, I do not want casual unrated games with weird gambits and setups thrown at me. If I can select white only, I need half the time to get my desired practice games.
I agree. I never accept challenges where a player specifies a colour as I think it should be random.
Isn't the advantage of having a white pieces (or lack thereof) factored into the rating gain/loss?

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