
Rated AND picking color?

Try following the thread. The point is that if you get to play all whites, you will have a higher rating than if you have to play all your games as black. Empty platitudes about being able to beat anyone are just that... silly. White has a significant advantage over black.
Where is the problem if you always take white? It doesn't influence you rating if you play him. He may have a very slight advantage with white but his rating is slightly higher than someone equal strenght, right? So at the end his rating gives a good estimation of you winning chances which is the purpose.
Maybe the true solution is to have two different ratings for experts and above. Maybe something like this:
2000W & 1900B. After all, it is the Internet where something new can be used.

The advantage of having the white pieces is small. My blunders, errors, and imperfections offset the advantage of having the white pieces. If I do not pick a main line that gives lots of advantage to white, it again will not give me any advantage to having played the white pieces.

I was once told that I must learn to follow before leading. Maybe this metaphor should be applied to chess too.

Using the black pieces should favor me more to getting better at chess, than using the white pieces. I must learn to follow the better players before I lead others. At the very least, look at their main line openings and learn the main trap associated with the opening. Yes, I believe there is a trap for every opening.

Clearly, being able to focus only on one color is an advantage, but it can be nice to focus on just one and get serious, rated games. It may become a problem if too many players do it. At that point we may need to enforce quotas for players who put too many white games out there without playing enough black games. I don't think we are at that point as most people random.

Having a separate rating for black and white would be more technically accurate but would also be strange and turn people off (but it may end up being loved by even more). It is a bit too bold--I would be shocked if a site did it. But it would be more accurate, because whatever difference between your opponents' white and black strengths, you would always get the right amount of points from a win or loss.

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