
Thoughts on France

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Actually, it was kinda like Clark Ashton Smith writing something for Wikipedia.
The best French food I ever ate was at a Subway Sandwich in Arles.
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Thank God that Subway was there!
French food is awful.
Fortunately the French serve skimpy portions!
Someone who thinks best bread in France is in a Subway Crap Food restaurant should avoid going in France and Italy and stick to Supersize Crap Food in USA.

@bfchessguy said in #16:
> Someone who thinks best bread in France is in a Subway Crap Food restaurant should avoid going in France and Italy and stick to Supersize Crap Food in USA.
> Lmao
“Eat Fresh!” Rotflmao
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@KNIGHT_c4 said in #15:
> French food is awful.

Your harsh judgment probably stems from the fact that you were once served Bouillabaisse that was already a week old.
@Tenakel said in #19:
> Your harsh judgment probably stems from the fact that you were once served Bouillabaisse that was already a week old.


>Bouillabaisse prête à gerber.


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