
Why Nobody plays rematch, It's SO DRILLS ME!


Maybe my veiled implications that lots of opponents use computer assistance in rematches was too veiled. The point is, when people take a loss personally, the temptation to cheat to "get even" is much greater. Any many people suck at resisting temptation. I don't think of it as hit and run tactics. I think of it as playing a chess game. And I couldn't give two squirts about any of my ratings.
Ideally, both players should get a turn to play with white. I am usually willing to have a replay. I play blitz chess so there's usually time for a replay.

Most of the time you didn't lose the rematch due to cheating, but for the reasons I wrote.

But even if it was as common as you say, then why not play those rematches and report these cheaters to clean up this site?

Let others do that work? You don't care as long as you don't get cheated?

I didn't say it was most of the time. I said the temptation to do so is increased. And I already said the other reason I don't play the rematches is so that I'm not encouraging taking the games personally--which is what increases the temptation to cheat. Not rewarding taking the games personally thus reduces the temptation to cheat, which would theoretically make cheating happen less often.

If you cared about cheating, you would report them, this only 1 game to help people not cheat is the biggest BS I have heard all day. You are a hit and run player who thinks he can keep his rating higher by avoiding long series of games where he would lose rematches or even God forbid! Lose 0-3 or more.

You like your rating and lie about it.
Guys, we say "You always meet twice." (same in German).

As in life, this doesn't has to be necessarily in a row. So just cool down.

Report whom? There are fewer cheaters due to the way I play. I seriously rarely encounter cheaters. And I report the ones I do encounter. Not sure where the problem is.

This has absolutely nothing to do with my rating. I give the staff full permission to set my rating to whatever comical number they'd like to set it to. I couldn't care less.

I do find it strange that my stance upsets you so much. Do you take losses personally? Why does it matter who your next opponent is if you aren't out for revenge or whatever? I just don't get that. I guess it might have to do with how I don't play bullet like at all. I play longer blitz games and classical pretty exclusively, so I don't really get the whole "adjusting to your opponent's play" thing. I just make what I hope are the best moves regardless of the opponent.

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