
Chess basics - Ruk get the stars number 4 cannot get a 3 stars

Have to get the stars in minimum moves, but can't get a 3 star. I did everything to minimize the move and get the stars, but I can only get 2 stars. Is it a bug, or am I dumb? If it's a bug fix it, if it's not a bug tell me how to get a 3 star. Tell me by coordinates. pls tell fast..... Im getting stuck on 99% and its killing me........ REMEMBER ITS THE 4TH ONE
I have just looked at it again.

It is absolutely possible to get all stars, but I am not going to spoil your learning.

There are not that many ways to eat all the stars. Just systematically try one after another (preferably in your head before moving).

Just showing the solution is not going to help you learn the thinking process.
I am not going to learn if i CANT DO IT so just tell me then i will learn....... Tell me in coordinates...
If you get the solution, what will you have learned then? To read?

You are trying to solve the 4th puzzle of the rook exercise, right?

There are not that many ways. You have to eat a star on every move, and that's it. There are not many ways to do it. Try one after another. Don't try the same moves over and over again.

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