
Search "user:raiken2"

53 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Players with multiple accounts, why do you do it?#1

As the title states I'm just curious as to the motivations of players who are constantly creating new accounts. As an example if you search the username jakubsmetana you will find 10+ accounts.

General Chess Discussion - How to minimze cheating#32

He is banned now, for the record I love this site and if it's an issue of needing more volunteers I'm willing to help. It sucks to let one person ruin a tournament for everyone else.

General Chess Discussion - How to minimze cheating#30

General Chess Discussion - How to minimze cheating#28

Having just competed in a tournament with an obvious cheater, I have to wonder why the admins are choosing the convenience of new accounts over loyal users? Why should I play a thirty minute tournamen…

General Chess Discussion - I would report, but I don't know if it's anything other than poor sportsmanship#18

When I get flagged in a winning position I blame myself. As for resigning down a piece in 3 0, do you forfeit a football game if you get scored on or lose a player due to a red card?

General Chess Discussion - Deathmatches.#6

Would love to watch you play someone Lance. If KC isn't interested maybe IM Astaneh would be interested. His youtube channel is great for those who haven't seen it btw.

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General Chess Discussion - How to play faster but not (much) worse?#3

I agree with the above, quicker calculation comes from practice/experience. One thing you may or may not be doing well is using your opponents time well. On your opponent's turn you should be trying t…

General Chess Discussion - I almost had a 0 0 0 bullet game#2

General Chess Discussion - I almost had a 0 0 0 bullet game#1

If only I wasn't sure a greedy rook grabber! Just one of those games where your opponent has an off game.
