
How to minimze cheating

He is already labelled. Should not be allowed to play in tournaments if he is labelled.
He is banned now, for the record I love this site and if it's an issue of needing more volunteers I'm willing to help. It sucks to let one person ruin a tournament for everyone else.
Same here. I cannot invest all my time but the time I do have for lichess I donate. :)
As we see for ex with the case that raiken2 was reported ( @spongebotsquarepants ) the user was banned at 27 games, but already reached at elo 2434 at first (!!) day that's joined the site. OK lichess has a good cheater detecting system... but 27 innocent people lost elo without reason (Ok, that's not big problem either), the spongebotsquarepants before banned he reached he's goals (BIG ELO, nerve racking etc) that's mean that maybe allready has another account with a different ip and after 3-4 times that will banned, he will lost interest. But if he was unrated he will lost interest from the first time.
Now that I look through spongebotsquarepants he was detected in 35 minutes !!!
I also think that a win against +200++ player its a good investigation trigger.
for example : (Diff 2186-1613= 573)
GoodKnight_England (2186 elo): 3 Inaccuracies, 5 Mistakes, 0 Blunders, 36 Av. cp loss
spongebotsquarepants (1613? elo): 0 Inaccuracies, 0 Mistakes, 0 Blunders, 9 Av. cp loss (and with parallel move times allways under 0.5 sec) it's very easy to be 100% sure that's an engine user.
Yeah I hope this idea arrives soon on lichess as their 'new feature'. Where you have to have played a minimum of so many games. (They already do this with top 100 rankings on your profile, you need a minimum amount of games.) But now they can do this with tournaments, I suggest 100 games, so engine players won't want to work that much. Also it would be nice if this could be introduced to Hosted games or Simuls. But this site has been progressing very nicely lately. I am sure this feature will be introduced. I wrote that about a year ago, and now we have the Study feature on lichess, next is the rating Limitations, and hopefully someday more in-depth forums.
Hmm I have not herd that one @LCPChess a minimum number of RATED games should be mandatory before allowing users into tournaments even if this is 50-100-150-200 or so.
@36 the anti cheating algorithm will ban cheaters well before 100 games, realistically only like 10 or 15 would be needed
#38 incorrect it bans after one suspected game. I got tagged as a cheat cause I was using facebook in a different tab. Changing tabs is a trigger HOWEVER some people create NEW ACCOUNTS and cheat their first 25 games in a tournament since you can join a tournament as a new user and even if you are tagged a cheat it will not kick you from the tournament. Others lose rating points regardless of the cheaters tag in a tournament. You are not allowed to join another tournament however but users will delete their accounts, make new ones then cheat some more.
#39 Incorrect: It bans after sufficient suspicious games. In your case, it was more than one game.

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