
Which books are you currently reading?

I'm a few chapters into English classic, Ivanhoe. It's not holding my interest yet, a few chapters in.

I see you, giggle face. [there was giggle icon, it vanished, oh well]

When I got into English literature, I read Middlemarch by George Eliot. I was neutral through the first 80 pages, then I caught on. It was my favorite novel ever, long, 1000 ppg.
I read mostly non-fiction and since I am interested in a lot of medical stuff, nothing that is a page turner or interesting for this forum... but I do have a couple of suggestions of books that have stuck in my mind over the years.

1. In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore
2. The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
None, sadly. I used to read tons of books, but the problem is I got so much into them that I'd forget to do really important things that I had to do. So I sorta went cold Turkey on books.
@Letpchess said in #3:

I'm curious if you may like Into thin air, by Jon Krakauer. It's his first person account of the tragic Mount Everest expedition in 1996.
@morphyms1817 said in #5:
> I'm curious if you may like Into thin air, by Jon Krakauer. It's his first person account of the tragic Mount Everest expedition in 1996.

I might... Like I said, I only really read non-fiction... Thanks for the recommendation.
Girl Gangs, Biker Boys, And Real Cool Cats (it's about all sorts of cheesy vintage paperbacks!)

6 X H by Heinlein
Usually I use texts only as resources for research, scavenging obscure lemmas or methods, but recently I've been on a Magnolia Hammerson kick:
1. Derrida's Ghosts: Haunted Machinery and Spectral Linguistics
2. The Solarpunk Singularity: Accelerationism meets Ecology in the Sixth Mass Extinction
3. The Hyperstitional Machine: A Cybernetic Gothic of Pandemonium

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