
CALLING ALL PATRONS: If you are a Patron, can you disable the orange DONATE ad?

I can't see any orange "donate" buttons, but I still found a way :D Thanks @thibault and team for this amazing site. I donate a (very small) amount because you didn't spam me with ads and pop-ups like certain other sites, and it is such a beautiful satisfying UI, and there is so much enjoyment and learning to be had here <3 What a wonderful community!
You can similarly claim that Coaches is an ad for coaches, Streamers is an ad for streamers. Study page is an ad for studies and so on. It's not an ad.

Besides the links to Patron page and Swag Store have been on the front page for a really, really long time.
@IbrahimMoizoos said in #42:
> Well the features section is now out of date. Hopefully someone can patch it with the latest feature set, like picture above

I can see you at night cowering in the corner, mumbling "the orange donate button is an ad, the orange donate button is an ad, no one will believe me, the orange donate ......."
its not an ad for goodness sake. If you want to leave please leave the door is open
Look, if the Orange Advertisement were visible to Patrons, then this would at least be fair.

But Patrons can't see it! You must pay to unlock ad removal. It's not even an option!!

Paying forcibly removes the ad completely, so it is obviously considered UNQUESTIONABLY GOOD by the developer to remove the ad text, otherwise they would have not spent the time programming that in, or they would have made it an option.

So Lichess is divided into two classes, Poverty and Patron under King @thibault. Before, Patron was just a cool icon. Now, it is a cool icon + cool highly visible advertisement removal. We can now say that Poverty users get a Poverty Experience that is considered WORSE than Patron Experience by the developers themselves.

Make DONATE grey, or have Patrons see the same thing that poor people do. Billions in this world were born into poverty and it is sickening to punish this by creating artificial social classes and dividing people online. Chess should be a game where everyone is treated equally, rich or poor.

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