
Who makes these puzzles?


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But always keep in mind, all puzzles start with a blunder. Without this initial blunder there were no puzzles.
The only thing truly "questionable" about the puzzles is how many people seem to think they're unsound; they were all run through SF and so are much sounder than you'll ever know. ;)
@MrPushwood said in #13:
> The only thing truly "questionable" about the puzzles is how many people seem to think they're unsound; they were all run through SF and so are much sounder than you'll ever know. ;)

Don't get me wrong I understand the position is pretty tricky. I understand that the 2nd rook sacrifice was necessary to save the game other wise it was mate in 1. My main complaint is that taking 2 free Rooks that get directly in your kings face isn't much of a puzzle. They could have taken this puzzle and made you play the other side where you have to find that Rook sacrifice to save the game and then attempt to promote or continue the puzzle and stop the promotion etc. So to reiterate my issue isn't with the the position it's that dxe7+ and Kxd6 are obvious moves.
//I think I am replying to a ghost <Comment Deleted By User> -- here you can view all the puzzles generated from your games. Randomly positions from games are evaluated for puzzle-level checking and if found suitable for puzzles, is posted/generated using super level engines, in this case, its Stockfish.

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