
Search "user:what_game_is_this"

764 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the credibility of media reporting?#26

#25 And where would anyone get such knowledge from? Not some odd conspiracy site?

Off-Topic Discussion - You ever consider that Trump is better than Biden?#48

#47 Could you please tell us how you think we should get better news? Additional methods can't be wrong.

Off-Topic Discussion - You ever consider that Trump is better than Biden?#46

@Noflaps said in #22: > Ah, @what_game_is_this brings up mention of the New York Times and the Washington Post. > No doubt wonderfully objective and impartial sources! > > Are there any other "facts" …

Off-Topic Discussion - What ballads do you like?#2

First I thought of Shakespeares sonnets, but after some research I learned that ballads and sonnets are different things. As I'm taking up your time I should present something that I believe is a ball…

Off-Topic Discussion - You ever consider that Trump is better than Biden?#9

He certainly is a better conman than Biden. Utterly absurd that anyone would vote for him. Examples: https://www.wash…

Off-Topic Discussion - can you actually play with your nose on a tournament??#2

You'd be warned by the tournament arranger if you do anything gross in front of your opponent.

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the credibility of media reporting?#6

Social media news often are untrustworthy. You can try to searh for: fact check. is one site. Try som of them. See how trustworthy the news you are fed with are. Search for: bias check. All…

Off-Topic Discussion - Good night to all people except....#6

@TPT2010 said in #1: > Good night to all people except people who are named Liam, Emma, Simon, Hiram, Michael, Tom, Peter, Cassidy, Thibault, Jake, Jimmy, Charlotte, Theodore, Isabella, Olivia, Benjam…

Lichess Feedback - Are Puzzles useless ?#5

I am faster to see material imbalances after a lot of puzzles, but that's about it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Who is the worst?#5

Ranking tyrants like Putin, Hitler and countless others are meaningless. All of them are insane and should be (been) in mental asylums. Netanyahu wont get any Christmas card from me either. Biden coul…
