
Search "user:HerkyHawkeye"

1545 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Famous last words#8

My life savings is kept in th........

Off-Topic Discussion - During chess for my health,#3

Well, you could just stop. Do you play otb as well or just online?

Off-Topic Discussion - "First & Last" - Classic Rock/Soul Song Lyrics#8

@The_Merry_Chesster said in #7: > Pretty difficult indeed but, thanks to a few movies, at least I got #14: Shuggie Otis/The Brothers Johnson - Strawberry Letter 23 Very nice song indeed! I played "Get…

Off-Topic Discussion - "First & Last" - Classic Rock/Soul Song Lyrics#5

@FinishMySentence said in #4: > this is a good game for my father. he would play me those classic old songs from the 2000s but I can't remember any of these :( "Classics from the 2000s" that made me l…

Off-Topic Discussion - "First & Last" - Classic Rock/Soul Song Lyrics#2

I wont give any of them away, but #11 has always been a favorite of mine. It's bad man ;)

Off-Topic Discussion - Military expressions.#8

@HiramHolliday said in #7: > Why do I attract lunatics? Do you mean "friendlys"?

Off-Topic Discussion - Military expressions.#2


General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#15

I'd add to my earlier post (#2) that if i'm fortunate to snag a game with a higher rated opponent, i will resign more quickly so as not to waste their time. I might ask if they are open to playing thr…

General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#2

I'll resign when i feel i've nothing more to learn from a losing position, if my opponent does not mind playing through. I've been on the winning side wondering why my opponent refuses to resign, but …

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#50

@Thalassokrator said in #49: > And the sire doth misquote Shakespeare too much, methinks. > > You seem to be unwilling to even entertain the idea that the landings might have been real, uninterested i…
