
Free Tournament Broadcasting with ChessCam

This is awesome; my chess friends and I always talk about how this would be the perfect tool to record our blitz games without having to notate.

I took some computer vision classes in college and know how hard it is to create something like this, so I have to give you major props!
If only tournament organizers would allow electronics into the playing hall...
Yesterday while playing in club we had some thoughts about how to broadcast our games online... and the same day lichess show me this, this is awesome actually)))
Tried it today. It actually struggled to recognize bishops and think it is pawn, some troiubles while trading etc., but after getting better camera and bigger board it become better and almost without stuck. Think this is great instrument and with good hardware, lighting and some improvement in future it should be really powerful and useful tool. Thank you, you did a good job!
Since people love comedy and watching 'fail compilations' on youtube. I think I would be the ideal candidate to stream my games.

But in all seriousness, I will keep an eye on this and I can see this being a great addition to club chess.
If the machine recognizes wrongly, can I adjust the chessboard?
@hieupham1103 said in #9:
> If the machine recognizes wrongly, can I adjust the chessboard?

Yes you have to do something like:
* Click pause
* Adjust the chessboard
* Reassign the corners
* Click play