
Comment anything that has never been expressed

For a bonus 10 thousand dollars add suppossing evidence 'proving' your submission is original and could not have been said before!
Good Luck!
I naturally start with how tragic and sad is the life of Bobby Fischer who although was clearly a giant and truly great and brilliant mind on a global scale was always alone. You can see a profound emptiness in his face. It's devastating if you consider he had the propensity to understand probably much more deeply than us the nature of his loss. I don't want to be champion of anything in any way if it also means i will always be alone.

Has never been expressed because it is an equation, not an expression.
If I had 10 thousand dollars, I'd hope I'd give most to all of it away for eternal reward in heaven although I have less than 100 in my bank account. Proof: I am a broke 20 year old
Somewhere in the world an old farmer is digging a deep hole behind an old barn. A real hag sits in wait by the hearth sipping warm molasses milk and watching her nose grow towards her intent. Everyone in town has been talking about the spectacle of love running it's course as spring springs. A poet on the world's stage... prophet's hunted... reminds one of the hanged man tarot yet so much hoarse laughter. Dusk becomes a swimmingly handsome night and she flys.
Love, Love, Love... so many kinds of love. Hallmark greeting cards, diamonds, and chocolates... Puppy dogs and kitty cats... prosperity gospel from the pulpit... Karmic puppeteers... The book of Job... And the deeply mysterious love that spawns fertility cults and occult cosmology. Love is a battlefield: I suspect Robert peeked behind the veil and beheld the deep and enigmatic macinations at work in the universe... He saw chess in everything. And love is chess, and chess is love. The old farmer is the king and the hag a queen. Robert would understand this rant... His chess transcended into the realm of poetry. ( By the way, we are all alone and we are all mad. )
@randomchampgamer Nice Try!
- but when you posted it you also expressed it from your mind to the digiTaL mental consensus

@BeliefOnTheLordJesus i've Heard that one a million times!lol!

V.reminds one of the hanged man tarot yet so much hoarse laughter.V
-that is good f0REe! Somebody get this Man ten thousand dollars
(WE'irD Not Alone, some of us are mad.... -tiME 0-t-0 EMit- temporarily

: the full expression and measure of the Lord's disappointment and the translation of His disgust and the revelation of His goodness to me and the level of fool, worthless waste, and that whole GodmandoG the oneness, ayea, judgmeantDay dynamic will overwhelm me astronomically, death is far preferred than standing before Heavenly Father great white throne to face value worth compared to God.

who will volunteer to to go first? New Question! $10,000! Whoo!
Hello people!

I don't know if what I'm about to say has been expressed before or not (maybe it has...) It's more of a thought experiment than anything else.

So here it goes: What is the opposite of "forbidden"?

Well the answer may seem pretty obvious, it's "allowed", right? If we do a little research on Google that will in fact be the answer we will find. But I beg to disagree.

I think the opposite of "forbidden" is actually "mandatory". Why? What does "forbidden" actually mean? I would say (and I think the majority of people will agree with me) that "forbidden" means that "We MUST NOT do X, and, if we do X, then there will be a punishment". And what does "mandatory" mean? "Mandatory" means that "We MUST do X, and, if we don't do X, then there will be a punishment"

So what does "allowed" mean? Well, "allowed" falls between the two. Something that is "allowed" is something that it's up to us to decide if we do or not. No punishment involved.

I would like to hear your opinions on that. Thanks! :)
for ten thousand dollars with the right answer it's Yessss!

Forbidden things are actually allowed and merely commanded beyond will
forbidden and allow are not opposites because they both are states of unenforced levels of approval

The stars are forbidden! porn stars - You can not get them!
life is allowed - even for people who destroy it sometimes
sins are forbidden. prayer is rewarded with joy. repent <
<HIS mercy and love is manifest so you don't know iT>

right? that what you meant2

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