
cancel all outstanding game requests once player starts a game

it seems like somehow people create multiple game requests that remain alive even after one of those games begins and the player is no longer available to participate in the rest.

as a result there are many 'zombie' game requests out there that must be accepted and then aborted. i'd say probably close to a quarter of all games i join end this way...

cancel all existing challenges/game requests once someone starts a game with someone else and that should solve the problem.
ok maybe it's less than a quarter of my games that end this way, but you still have to wait like 15 seconds before you can safely abort which is a little annoying...
Completely agree! However, some people play 2 or 3 games at once, so if your idea is implemented, then they'll no longer be able to do that. There has to be another way to remove these ``ghost'' games.
I agree, this *needs* to be fixed. Lichess is great, and the larger it grows, the more severe this problem becomes. A quarter of the games? Nope, more like half of them, depending on when you join (it seems to be worse with many players online)...

Anon of post #3 is right though. Maybe for these users there should be a "Start a second/third/... game" option, active only once they have joined the first/second/... game? I mean, a decent compromise would be to allow multiple games, but not multiple requests ("seeks"). You can start a second game after playing the first move of your first one - no two "seeks" at a time.

Man, English doesn't help (not my language). I hope my post was understandable.

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