
The prediction of 5 billion deaths because of Nuclear Winter seems to be overly exaggerated to me.

Everyone joking :/

Why couldn't we talk more seriously? Maybe because Nuclear Winter Theory is a joke?
Well, some people are taking it seriously enough to do academic studies. But until the eventual event(s) occur, a lot of necessary variables are missing from the equation. For instance, in a limited nuclear war (their example is Pakistan-India, but others are possible), just how many warheads are we talking about? They guess 100,which is a nice round number, but would it take that many? Would they begin a limited exchange, and then cut it out much earlier rather than escalate; or would they go whole hog and empty the arsenals of everything, including chemical and biological agents? And would a limited regional nuclear war necessarily be just between two parties, or would a third or fourth party join in? What's to stop it from expanding, from growing from a small local issue into global destruction? The possibilities are all there, waiting to happen. The mistakes are all there, just waiting to be made.
One thought to occupy the dark hours when you can't get to sleep; how many people would it take to start the whole thing rolling? How many people who think "I don't care, I've got an escape plan" (or who just don't care if they get out), and want to do it, or make it come about, regardless of the consequences? How many people who may not want it to happen, but are willing for various reasons to go along? What might those reasons be?
And another thought for those dark hours: regardless of what the numbers might be for humanity, what are the numbers for yourself and your loved ones? Regardless of whether 5 billion or 3 billion or 6 billion die, what happens to you and those close to you? In my case, I live in a mid size city in eastern China. In the case of a large scale war we are already targeted by one or more MIRVs, we will be cinders within the first hour. If for some reason we survive the first hour, we will all be dead in 3 days. If we are lucky. What was it that Khrushchev said? "The living will envy the dead"?
@MrPushwood said in #14:
> No, we're just saying it's not as bad an idea as we thought.
You also looked at Sweden and smiled?
Sweden, the Canada of Europe, said the unbiased Dane.
Even if like 9 billion perished in a Nuclear world wide event, they would still be more concerned with the 100 survivors carbon foot print ! and if their chosen pro nouns are being used. :).
The proper way to take on this question is to first see what kind of research has been done. Then you can start to come to your own conclusions as to what's missing or incorrect. There are many variables in terms of what kills whom when and where, but the gist seems to be that it's still a terrible idea.
@weplaychess90 said in #21:
> Everyone joking :/
> Why couldn't we talk more seriously? Maybe because Nuclear Winter Theory is a joke?

People Who Talk Seriously are always the ones who tend to get us into these messes...
A Nuclear war will NOT happen because no one wants mutual extermination.
So in my opinion nuclear weapons are peacemakers
You have no idea of nuke winter, it's 9 bilion humans and all species around> entire humanity, Sure you can bunker up for a few months then you need 2 go outside.

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