
Legendary Chess story involving Magnus, Naka, Giri and other top players

The top chess players - Magnus, Naka, Nepo, So, Anish, Caruana and Aronian were all trapped in a deserted island.

The devil appeared and offered them a deal: "I'll give you a self-driving ship that will take you to the mainland, BUT two of you have to play a Chess game, and the player with the white pieces must win. If the player with white pieces does not win, you will all drown at sea."

The players discussed among themselves and agreed it's a great deal. They signed the deal with the devil. And so, they set sail towards the mainland on a speedy ship. On the ship's deck, the devil said the game will be played between Naka and Anish, with Anish taking the white pieces.

The game started. Naka intentionally blundered pieces, so that white will win.

Naka: "Here, take my juicer. Here's another juicer for you!"
Anish kept capturing the free pieces.

Soon Naka had a lone king and Anish had his entire army of pieces. The other players gathered around were happy. They see that white is winning and hence the devil cannot drown them. They were smiling.

Suddenly, Anish moved Qg6 and stalemated Naka! Everyone gasped in utter disbelief.

Naka: "Dude, I gave you juicers and you do this?"

Magnus: "Why did you do that? Why? Now we are all going to drown!"

Anish: Don't talk logic to me. Logic has nothing to do with anything. It's in my nature to draw. I can't help it. I will draw, draw and draw... for I say unto ye that I'm THE DRAW GOD!"
i feel bad for you, no one is replying so here is my replyj
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