
Coming back after a break from chess

Hello :)
I've been playing on lichess since the start of 2020. However, around the end of 2021, I decided to take a break from chess and then eventually forgot about it almost completely (my rating at the time was just over 1500). I did solve a few puzzles every month or so though.
About a week ago, I decided to come back. I played a few games, and lost every single one (my rating's dropped to under 1350).
I fully understand that this it's normal to forget some stuff after a break, however is there any advice that I could have to (hopefully) not drop my rating any further?
Saw your last game felt like you are hurrying to much exchanging pieces like the bishop .
Don't dare to exchange your active pieces for opponent poor ones.

That what I used to do year back
I am no expert but here I had that understanding .
Hope it helps
Wishing positivity!
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If You Play & Study ... Study & Play ... your Rating will Increase because your @LRex Knowledge will be Larger & more Permanent ... Less Volitile ... More Steady
Your best stat @LRex in my opinion is on Puzzle Storm with 25 in 3 minutes, which is quite good. I've done over 5000 runs and I often don't get 25. If you were to just do 10 runs of that a day and invest 30 minutes, I think you would see a lot of improvement.

Your Puzzle Streak score is low and indicates to me that you enjoy playing fast and are prone to blunders. Playing faster time controls is fun, but you won't improve at all. Your Puzzle Steak should be much higher than your Puzzle Storm score. Even one run of this a day is better than 500 bullet games.

And you might want to brush up on the basics of endgames with a book by Jeremy Silman.

I'd highly suggest you watch the YouTube Channel ChessNetwork and his series called Beginner to Chessmaster and watch 1

video a day for a month and Jerry will almost certainly make you a much better player. Learn about "holes", "good and bad bishops", and especially the video called, "stop before you chop".

And I'd also suggest you play more Chess 960 because you are a tactical player and you will be able to beat higher rated players than normal, who just know a lot more about openings.

Theres much more I could suggest but that is where I'd start at your rating.

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