
How to Memorize Chess Openings and Variations – Without Forgetting Them Later

"If you take notes while learning something, your brain is not paying full attention because it knows that you’re writing things down, so it starts to relax as it knows you’ll review it later."

This claim is not backed by science.
@MrPhyr said in #3:
> "If you take notes while learning something, your brain is not paying full attention because it knows that you’re writing things down, so it starts to relax as it knows you’ll review it later."
> This claim is not backed by science.

I would argue it is. And certainly, it applies to chess. Productivity means engaging with the material, and using active recall as described, not just making notes at the same time. Else, your study time is incredibly inefficient.
Every major study about notetaking has concluded that it aids the comprehension of material. There are some bad notetaking strategies like writing down every word on the screen or every word that a lecturer says that can lead to passivity, but good notetaking involves engaging with the material and does not negate active learning but increases it.
> How to Memorize Chess Openings and Variations – Without Forgetting Them Later

just use proper free software and you good to go
I already try it out (It was HARD), and it worked now I have 5 openings without forgetting them in My games and I AM using it alot tysm @Avetik_ChessMood for creating this post bc it helped alot!