
Lichess TV should STAY on the game you are currently spectating

Lichess TV has an algorithm of sorts that seems to prioritize games with players having the higher ELO rating. Makes sense─this way you are likely to spectate one of the currently more interesting/challenging games. What frustrates me is that if a new game with even stronger opponents should commence during the current game you are spectating it will switch to the newer game with no way of getting the original back.

Current workaround is, while spectating a game, to click on one of the challengers usernames and from the profile click on the game directly. (dare I mention them in here?) handles this issue quite well with game "tabs" you can move between. Would be handy with a similar/even smarter system here on lichess!

"Lichess TV has an algorithm of sorts that seems to prioritize games with players having the higher ELO rating"

Yes, but it's more subtle, and it does its best to remain on the same game. It will switch only if the rating diff is huge.

"no way of getting the original back"

The 2 latest featured games are right under the main board.
"However, on I remember finding one of my posts edited to remove '' from it. "

At in a thread about chess quotes I wrote "lichess is better, but it's free." --Thibault Duplessis

I was no longer allowed to write comments at Obviously they are afraid of lichess because they know it's better and they know it's free.

"The 2 latest featured games are right under the main board."
That's good. I didn't know that.

"Current workaround is, while spectating a game, to click on one of the challengers usernames and from the profile click on the game directly."

That's what I've been doing. Then after the game I study the free lichess computer analysis which by the way people have to pay for at

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