
Sawtooth evaluation?

Just recently, when clicking on "computer analysis" after a game, instead of a relatively smooth progression (particularly for opening moves) the evaluation seems to jump each by about 0.2-0.3 pawns in favour of the player to move. For example:

I'm sure I saw something similar a while back - has the depth of the evaluation been dialled down or something?
could be, honestly sometimes the computer analysis makes mistakes even, when all it needs to see is like 4 moves deep. Also, opening theory is some really heavily analysed stuff, so the light evaluation that the computer gives is not that deeply calculated and can be misleaidng.
#2 @IsolatedPun-Youtube it's not that it makes mistakes, it's that the evaluation changes fairly significantly move to move, which I don't think happened to the same extent before.

Here's an example game from a few weeks ago with a smoother evaluation for the first few moves:

Yeah. A fixed Stockfish version is released now, but so far only half of the servers are updated. Also still have to update client side Stockfish.

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