
Support Ukraine, cancel the debt

Tbh kinda tired of people mentioning these stuff, lichess forums is being used as a source for debating the war lmao
@Axenta said in #40:
> So basically you are expecting russians to put pressure on the government, which basically, in another mean, rebellion. Fair enough for someone who just wants to have a normal life and not get involved.

Deserved. Now perhaps the States was involved and "invaded" Afghanistan, the whole country should suffer economic sanction. Correct?
@Axenta said in #38:

Poor-poor dude. Maybe he should move to Mariupol destroyed by russians and tell people there his terrible story?
@Axenta said in #40:
> So basically you are expecting russians to put pressure on the government, which basically, in another mean, rebellion.
Yes, I expect that. The people should be responsible for their government, not the other way around.
> Fair enough for someone who just wants to have a normal life and not get involved.
"not getting involved" = collusion.
@Axenta said in #42:
> Deserved. Now perhaps the States was involved and "invaded" Afghanistan, the whole country should suffer economic sanction. Correct?
Very true. The US SHOULD have been sanctionned for their involvement in Vietnam, in Afghanistan, in Nicaragua, in Iraq and others. Israel SHOULD get sanctionned for what they're doing in Palestine. They didn't. But they should, and so should Russia for their war in Ukraine.
@Axenta said in ...:

More I read such posts more I understand how little the russians are suffering yet from the war they started. But justice will prevail...
Of course it's just a proxy war, the US is just taking the opportunity to challenge their enemy while pivoting Ukraine's alignment, further testing their resources and through loans keep them subservient to US interests. Not to mention Zelensky being a literal oligarch's puppet with his own off-shore accounts and assets (as leaked in the Pandora Papers) throughout London, Cyprus, Belize and the British Virgin Islands.

He also crushed dissent, slashed labor rights, promoted fellow Nazis, has party members who have called for sterilization of poor people to reduce welfare payments calling the poor "wasteful generations."

EDIT: And I'm not saying Russian government is better, they can both fight amongst themselves. I know Russians spread propaganda all the time, but Ukraine committing their own war crimes, having a ton of soldiers and politicians that love doing their little nazi salutes all over the place can go play by themselves. Russia government is too, but when it comes to Ukraine people love to pretend it's not true.

I have no sympathy for Ukraine government, nazis and oligarchs deserve none.
Ukrainian politics committing war crimes by doing nazi salutes all over the place - that's something golden!
Birdbrain supports open borders why keep Russia out of Ukraine

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