
Some Puzzling Analysis

I love the Radar chart and the improvement areas, but I don't understand why I only get a few points for a correct (hard) puzzle, but if I miss it, I lose like 60 points. Anyone else experiencing that?
The only thing I felt missing is the ability to repeat the puzzles we replayed already. When we replay a puzzle successfully we cannot reach that specific puzzle again easily, we should go after that in the puzzle history. Thanks for the good work!
I like it. I am just wondering why do I sometimes achieve rating almost 2300 and on another day I am struggling on 2100. Is it me or is the rating so unstable?
So cool for you guys to share this data with us! Thank you lichess! :)
Wow! Super great upgrade! One thing that I'm hoping can be added is the ability to practice weak puzzle categories without affecting your rating. So, if the dashboard tells me that I need to work on defensive puzzles, I'd like to be able to practice that theme and not feel like I'm going to tank my Mix rating. Is that possible? Thanks!

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