
Puzzle rating not working

For the Android app, it appears the puzzle rating is not working; mine score is just stuck on the one number and doesn't change whether I solve a puzzle or not. Is this a known issue?
Is not working weeks ago in both iOS and Android app. For the android app you can delete cached content and the first time works well. But before this continue the problem.
There has been a recent change on the server (there's been no app update for a little while so it has to be that) which has reduced the problem but it's not perfect. My local score is 10 below the score on the server, and if I select older puzzles to retry the difference between website and app changes.
You are not supposed to see the rating until you have solved a puzzle, if you cannot see it afterwards either, then that is indeed a bug.
not mine i would like tto improve lichess that we can see for which strength the puzzle is for example the captchas for 1000

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