
Dubious rating calculation

With my last 3 games, according to the game results, I won a total of 20 points in Blitz.
However, I actually lost 10 Blitz rating points on my profile, which my activity summary also states (from 1902 to 1892). How come?

I don't really care about the rating so I don't need a refund or anything, but if there should a bug I wanted to make sure that the devs can have a look
This is weird: the first of the three games (a3Abamex) shows "1902 +10" but the next (N26362q1) shows your pre-game rating as 1882 rather than 1912. On the other hand, your previous blitz game before these three (tH8zUJ9J) has "1867 +5" so rather the 1902 rating seems wrong and if you replace it with 1872, everything else is consistent.
This is a known thing, the first game in the tournament displays a rating of then you joined the tournament and not the rating you had at the time. For example, if one joins a tournament let's say two weeks before the start and is rated 2000, then in the course of those two weeks loses 100 points, when the tournament starts they are rated 1900, this first game would still show 2000.

The rating calculations are unaffected by this and are correct though. In your game before the tournament your rating was 1867, you won that game and 5 points, and then gained 20 points in the following tournament. So you should be at 1892, which you are.

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