
Feedback & Chess Figures request

Dear Lichess Team,

first of all, thanks for your great work. I do really appreciate having a chess platform which is free to use and especially free to excercise which you have to pay on for on other chess sites like

To maybe lose a few words of my person, I'm 31 and have started playing chess pretty recently, when the Magnus Carlsen / Hans Nieman scandal happened and which woke my attention for online chess.

I have started playing on chesscom mainly and grew to ~550 elo atm.

Now I gotta say, that I do in fact mainly play on chesscom, since it's representing my first chess experiences and a lot of friends are playing there aswell and I feel pretty comfortable. What I however don't like about it is the paying concept. Don't get me wrong, I am in fact willing to pay for certain stuff, but the prices there are a sassiness for any casual "just 4 fun" chess player that does not swim in money, meaning I would pay for it if there would be a casual friendly option, which there definitely isn't (I've also submitted my feedback about that, which surely won't change anything ^^).

Luckily there's Lichess, where I can have puzzles and analizations for free. I did even achieve myself some wings to support you and show you my personal appreciation for that :)

What I wanted to ask you is if there is any future-oppurtunity to maybe get a new chess figure set implemented that looks more similar to the chesscom pieces? I know I might cause a sh*tstorm with that, since chesscom does not have the best reputation in the community (for said reasons), but I gotta say that I'm a little bit autistic featured and have big issues swapping between the pieces from chesscom and Lichess.

I have tried all of the possible options Lichess offers, but none comes anywhat close to what I'm used from chesscom. "Maestro" and "Tatiana" are the closest I can find, but I do still have difficulties of adapting between those sets of figures. I know that there's a browser plugin which changes it to the used environment, but I do mainly solve the puzzles on my mobile phone, which said option is not available.

I know that you won't be able to feature the original pieces for copyright reasons but I wanted to kindly ask, if any similar piece set related to chesscom would be possible to set up. I would really appreciate that :)

Thanks for reading & please no hate for my words :)

Kind regards
Of course Lichess has to pay attention to copyrights
But there are 2 ways.
- Suggest parts on Lichess Github and Devs approve
- Use an extension like Stylus and modify the pieces in your own interface
@SergioGlorias said in #2:
> Of course Lichess has to pay attention to copyrights
> But there are 2 ways.
> - Suggest parts on Lichess Github and Devs approve
> - Use an extension like Stylus and modify the pieces in your own interface

Hey SergioGlorias and thanks for your answer!

1 - Can you tell me about 'how likely' a submitted set of pieces would be which meets all criteria? Assuming I'd in fact try to create such a set which looks good and does in fact not violate any copyright claims? Because then I might try to get something working, I'm at least semi-experienced with image creation programs :)
2 - Said extension is a Pc-only solution, right? Or is there anyway to apply such changes to the app itself? Tbh I've already thought about taking a look into the app data to see, if I can manually change any tiles :D But I restrained from that so far ^^
@Schakara said in #3:
> 1 - Can you tell me about 'how likely' a submitted set of pieces would be which meets all criteria? Assuming I'd in fact try to create such a set which looks good and does in fact not violate any copyright claims? Because then I might try to get something working, I'm at least semi-experienced with image creation programs :)

I can't say

> 2 - Said extension is a Pc-only solution, right? Or is there anyway to apply such changes to the app itself? Tbh I've already thought about taking a look into the app data to see, if I can manually change any tiles :D But I restrained from that so far ^^

the application does not have this support
but you can use lichess through the browser (some functions are only there at the moment) and some browsers have the ability to install extensions, including the stylus
@SergioGlorias said in #4:
> but you can use lichess through the browser (some functions are only there at the moment) and some browsers have the ability to install extensions, including the stylus

Yeah as already stated in my first topic, I knew about this extension already, my main issue here is the app on the mobile phone :)

If any staff member here can assure me that spent work definitely gets rewarded then I will try to create something. Something great. I just do not want to make any hard work all for nothing, I'd then rather use that time for chess haha ;)
@Schakara said in #5:
> If any staff member here can assure me that spent work definitely gets rewarded then I will try to create something.

nobody is going to give you that assurance before they have seen your work, that's quite impossible. you can go to the github link above and check how pull requests for new pieces usually work out.

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