
No Progression

"... going from good at tactics to great at tactics ... doesn't translate into much greater strength. ... You need a relatively good memory to reach average strength. But a much better memory isn't going to make you a master. ... there's a powerful law of diminishing returns in chess calculation, ... Your rating may have been steadily rising when suddenly it stops. ... One explanation for the wall is that most players got to where they are by learning how to not lose. ... Mastering chess ... requires a new set of skills and traits. ... Many of these attributes are kinds of know-how, such as understanding when to change the pawn structure or what a positionally won game looks like and how to deal with it. Some are habits, like always looking for targets. Others are refined senses, like recognizing a critical middlegame moment or feeling when time is on your side and when it isn't. ..." - GM Andrew Soltis (2012)
You're not telling us anything about what you are doing to improve. How much studying do you do? What kind of study?
If you don't have one, get a coach. They can diagnose what your biggest hurdle is, and you can work on it.
Actually @BTRex2010 , I had the same exact problem...I could not get up in my rating, I found that if I just stop one time control, and do will be a little easier, an example...I had around a 1000 blitz rating on it to 1300...and then just couldn't get up I stopped playing blitz...and started 30 sec bullet which then I decided to go to 1 min....I went from 850 bullet to may be just that your brain needs to rest from long haggard-like games...and just go fast and have fun... your games via analyzing...and watch some players play chess...and take a few lessons from chess gms on may help...I memorized a few games....and played 1 blindfold was fun! I am 14 and hopefuly can get gm by 20-30 yrs old...AIM HIGH...because u prob wont be able to reach as high as you want...but it will be at your you will keep pressing on...and take breaks if u other things...u only have to play 5-10 games a actually see least for me'll play u if u want...just send a challenge when I am online!
Rating goals are total flow imo. Your goal should be to improve - not to chase numbers.

Learn to play those positions you felt lost in. Convert the endgame you didn't know how to win. Improve some openings. Improve time management, thinking process etc.

Then work on that and take a look at rating 3 months later.. maybe you jump some - even if you don't you will certainly know you are better player.
Do something different, try different openings, not just doing the same thing over and over it sounds like you 're bored with chess, mix it up do openings that you're not so comfortable with, learn more , mix it up is my advice catch your opponents off guard xxx good luck xxx go mad xxx
@SchizoSi said in #17:
> Do something different, try different openings, not just doing the same thing over and over it sounds like you 're bored with chess, mix it up do openings that you're not so comfortable with, learn more , mix it up is my advice catch your opponents off guard xxx good luck xxx go mad xxx
ill try it out :) sound fun!

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