
Enhancing the Lichess' Post Game Analysis Experience - Move Time and Computer Analyses

I'd like to propose an exciting idea that could potentially enrich our gaming experience on this platform. My suggestion is to consider repositioning the Move Times Graph below the Computer Analysis Graph. This simple change can provide a valuable tool for reflecting on how a player's time management impacts the quality of their moves.

For instance, allow me to share a personal experience from a recent rapid game I played (you can view the game here: In this particular match, I found myself making a crucial mistake: spending an excessive 2 minutes on a few piece development decisions. Unfortunately, I ended up in a position with a +3.2 pawn advantage but failed to capitalize on it due to insufficient time for calculating the best move.

This realization took me a while to discover, as I had to scrutinize both graphs independently. By placing the Move Times Graph beneath the Computer Analysis Graph, players like me could more easily connect the dots between time spent and move quality.

To further enhance this feature, I propose the introduction of an indicator or ratio that gauges "move quality/move time." This can provide valuable insights into a player's thought process and decision-making skills. Here are a few examples of how such an indicator could work:

"Low move quality / high move time" might signify that the player struggled to comprehend the position or perhaps had a misplaced focus.

"Low move quality / low move time" could indicate that the player rushed their moves, potentially sacrificing quality for speed.

"High move quality / high move time" would highlight a player who effectively employed problem-solving skills to assess the position thoroughly.

"High move quality / low move time" could signify a player who confidently and quickly grasped the nuances of the position.

By incorporating these changes, Lichess could offer a more informative and educational experience to players, allowing them to refine their time management skills and make better moves. Let's work together to make Lichess an even more enjoyable and instructive platform for all chess enthusiasts.

Looking forward to reading the discussion on this topic!
I'm afraid it might end up being a bit too cluttered and would require some careful design choices. But who knows, maybe it will be implemented one day.

In the meantime, I recommend using the Insights feature with the "Centipawn loss bucket" by "Move time" setting and some additional filters for "Date", "Variant", etc. to achieve something similar.
Often best moves are trivial, so you'll get ridiculously high quality/time peaks on recaptures, for example.

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