
Search "user:ryoikii"

12 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - I want to see who will actually copy and paste this...#16

@kit_kat1122 said in #1: > Me too have been bullied before, but like what Michael Jackson said, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror". Do you think anyone's going to have that moment of "Enlighten…

Off-Topic Discussion - if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?#5

@Oportunist said in #1: > i think it is because getting a high education gives you alot of information but sadly most of these people dont know how to come to decent conclusions with the info,to save …

Off-Topic Discussion - Would you recommend me an audiobook?#5

@ryoikii said in #4: > You probably already read this but I love rereading Animal Farm or Fahrenheit 451. Essentially any classic dystopian novel catches my eye. Although, i ́ve been reading Atomic Ha…

Off-Topic Discussion - Would you recommend me an audiobook?#4

@morphyms1817 said in #3: > First book is one of my favorite novels. I did not stay interested in a couple later ones. You probably already read this but I love rereading Animal Farm or Fahrenheit 451…

Off-Topic Discussion - Would you recommend me an audiobook?#2

@morphyms1817 said in #1: > I like the classics, Have you read all of the Dune series? It ́ll take long but is intriguing.

Lichess Feedback - The application does not work on my cell phone :(#6

@xakelarre said in #5: > Android I found this forum post from 2 years ago but it seems like a dead end. Ill tr…

Off-Topic Discussion - seeking a chess girlfriend (I've lost my sanity with this one)#41

@LordSupremeChess said in #40: > Now i know you weren't here for the email crisis. text? or anything?

Off-Topic Discussion - seeking a chess girlfriend (I've lost my sanity with this one)#39

@LordSupremeChess said in #38: > School, coffee shop, maybe gmail or text if you ́re not into very social activities.

Lichess Feedback - The application does not work on my cell phone :(#4

@xakelarre said in #3: > I agree with that. However, I use the application a lot from my cell phone, and the truth is that your comment does not answer my concern. Thanks the same. Well, what phone ar…

Lichess Feedback - The application does not work on my cell phone :(#2

@xakelarre said in #1: > The website in my opinion, is the best version of Lichess. It doesn ́t really matter if your app is not working because there are way more features (in my experience) that you…
