
Search "user:JKnight"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Problems with pairing#2

Hello! Did you change your settings for the rating range that you're searching for? Perhaps this could affect the match making time. Otherwise clearing browser cookies and cache could sometimes prove …

Lichess Feedback - knight f3 invisible#3

Hey! This could be a glitch caused by cookies or cache in your browser. Try a private tab, or clear cookies/cache and restart browser. Also, restarting the Mac after this could help! Good luck!

General Chess Discussion - How to identify areas for improvement#5

Another helpful way can be to look at move times. If you spend let us say 30 minutes on a move (OTB), the current position might be an area of improvement. Carlsen once said something like: "I once sp…

Lichess Feedback - Don't allow account names that start with "GM"#6

@MessyAnswer I believe "scuffi" meant that "li" as in "lichess" refers to "libre", a word that in some instances can be translated to "free" or "at liberty". The point "scuffi" is trying to make is th…

General Chess Discussion - quiet moves in tactics#13

Hey again! Another thing to keep in mind is that when playing with shorter time controls tactics and being aggressive has a large psychological factor to it. Also, games OTB can be profoundly affected…

General Chess Discussion - quiet moves in tactics#8

What the OP is trying to explain is quite clear to me. He is looking for a place to practice tactics that require a subtle first move that does not look forcing, but when diving deeper actually shows …

Lichess Feedback - Unable to sign in#3

This has happened to me as well in certain browsers such as Opera and Firefox. I suggest that you remove cookies and history, restart your browser and give it another try. At least this helped me to a…
