
Search "user:GabeMiami17"

156 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lost rating points#3

@JuicyChickenNO1 said in #2: > Sounds like he beat you with patience and psychology. Anything could have happened; maybe he spilled a drink and he was trying to clean and play at the same time, or he …

General Chess Discussion - Lost rating points#1

I was playing a game on android and my opponent was taking forever to move. (I'm pretty sure they left, it was the 8th move and they had 3 minutes out of 10 left). I went to go make some moves in my d…

Game analysis - Could this Guy be 2752 Fide Rating?#29

this post was solved weeks ago lol

General Chess Discussion - Did Puzzles actually improve your chess#27

I think it helps with tactics a little bit. But not as much as people think they do. Some people are always like Do 120 puzzles a day or smth like that. Personally, just 5-15 a week is fine. Just my t…

General Chess Discussion - Bye Bye bullet#18

honestly bullet is probably one of the main things that helped me at chess in slower time control.

Off-Topic Discussion - Someone hit me up#37

@iris_mex said in #36: > what ? why ? look it up, I don't want to get muted

Off-Topic Discussion - Someone hit me up#35

its inappropiate

General Chess Discussion - Elo fide#2

Once you sign up for the National Elo of your country. Have either a USCF membership or Spain Membership, then you can get your own fide ID. There's more steps that require filling out a form, look it…

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters are Out of Control Today. Is Lichess anti cheating team on vacation today?#27

Bro chill.

Off-Topic Discussion - Someone hit me up#23

ive seen stupider stuff
