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149 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Goodbye, Putin!#5

Probably the best-known Russian journalist and video blogger Yuri Dud (34), whose YouTube channel "wDud" has almost 10 million subscribers and more than two billion views, is said to have left Russia.…

Off-Topic Discussion - Goodbye, Putin!#4

The film critic and editor-in-chief of the magazine "Iskusstwo kino", Anton Dolin, who is well-known in Russia, is also said to have left Russia. "Let's not let fear eat our souls" – that's the title …

Off-Topic Discussion - Goodbye, Putin!#3

more than 4 Million views so far

Off-Topic Discussion - Goodbye, Putin!#2

Off-Topic Discussion - Goodbye, Putin!#1

The actress Chulpan Chamatowa (46), whom German viewers know from the film "Good Bye, Lenin!", has now settled in Riga, Latvia. In 2005, together with Dina Korsun, she initiated the annual charity con…

Off-Topic Discussion - ukraine and syria, parallels#1

Ruslan Leviev of the Conflict Intelligence Team. The Russian collective is now researching from exile and extensively checking information about the war. They have gained expertise and experience over…

Off-Topic Discussion - russian war crimes, update#1

Status: 03/31/2022 3:07 p.m Destroyed kindergartens and clinics, civilians killed, prisoners abused: Videos from Ukraine show many suspected war crimes. But how can these be checked? By Vassili Golod,…

Off-Topic Discussion - russian soldiers sabotaged their own equipment#1

Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) chief Jeremy Fleming says Russian soldiers disobeyed orders in Ukraine, sabotaged their own equipment and accidentally shot down one of their own planes. …

Off-Topic Discussion - Leaving Russia: Olga Smirnova#1

03/16/2022, 6:11 p.m Olga Smirnova: Most prominent Bolshoi dancer leaves Russia According to the famous prima ballerina, she is against the war in Ukraine with "every fiber". Now she no longer wants t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine war: Ros Atkins on... Putin’s false ‘Nazi’ claims. BBC#1
