
Search "user:Mennonite"

29 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Andreikin wins the Uralsk Qualifier!#14

Does Sviridov have any norms?

General Chess Discussion - Is it true that playing chess makes you lose weight?#6

At OTB tournaments, many players end up grabbing fast food between rounds, especially if the rounds go long.

General Chess Discussion - I finally reached 1000 rapid#4

Congratulations. I love seeing hard work rewarded.

General Chess Discussion - If all Chess World Champions were simultaneously alive?#29

In this thought experiment, you would also need to give players an adjustment period to catch up on theory.

Off-Topic Discussion - Build a band from any time period.#6

Guitarist: Fred Durst Bassist: Sid Vicious Keyboards: Daniel Johnston Drums: Meg White Vocals: Yoko Ono

Lichess Feedback - Two games at once?#1

While playing in a Rapid Arena tonight, my opponent left the game for six minutes in the middle of the game to play a separate blitz game (then returned with two minutes left to finish our game). Was …

Lichess Feedback - Incomprehensible draw fixation#8

What's interesting is White intentionally entered this endgame through underpromotions.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Storm: Reviewing missed puzzles#1

When reviewing my missed puzzles after doing Puzzle Storm, I find that after doing my first such puzzle, clicking on "next puzzle" just gives me another random puzzle. Is there a method that I'm missi…

Off-Topic Discussion - The Russian Flag#7

If you're going so far as to say that you're personally disturbed by a player with a name that appears to be of eastern European origin, you need to do some self reflection.

Off-Topic Discussion - Ban all Russian Chess Players on lichess #17

The beautiful thing about this site has been that it is open to all (save for those who violate the TOS). May that never change.
