
“Variation Arrows” Are Too Confusing and Should Be Disabled by Default IMO

I find variation arrows to be too complicated and confusing. I don't understand what all the colorful arrows mean and it throws off my focus when analyzing games. I know they are supposed to show variations, but I still could not read them despite knowing what they are for. In my opinion, the feature should be disabled by default, and the preference option should be moved to the actual preferences page ( Currently, the option is hidden under table options menu ( I struggled a lot trying to find where the option was.

I'm a huge fan of Lichess' "best move" arrows. I always analyze games with multiple arrows and I find them very convenient. In fact, the arrows are the main reason I'm using Lichess over other popular chess websites. However, I find the variation arrows feature to be too complicated and confusing, personally. Would love to hear others' opinions regarding the feature too.
I love them.

They let me navigate variations in correspondence without taking my eyes off the board. Try pressing up arrow or down arrow (or either shift key) when they show up. The highlighted one is the path that pressing right arrow or next will take. You'll quickly understand how they work.

You can also press V to toggle them. But I don't believe it's a great idea to make this an opt in feature based on a few user complaints. We'll keep our ears open though.
so easy to turn off anyway. why would you want to impose your preference on everyone else. Or is it a legit way to rant about them. Like where is the forum get the steam out of annoyances categories.

I feel you, but for other annoyances... :) I shall not mention here. (there is so much good features, that the balance makes me patient, extremely so, I don't even remember about what anymore, that is how patient I can be.... )
I beg you on my knees , please keep the arrows please . I would whine a million years would they not be .

Nevertheless I understand you do have a need and this need is being able to disable them . By no means I would have anything against this . How could I .

It`s just me myself I am afraid , to ask for changes XD :))) Ever since I read this article :

I am afraid of loosing Thibault and I really really really want to keep his mood up !!! :D :))))
@H0neymOOn said in #5:
> I beg you on my knees , please keep the arrows please .
They are not being removed just by setting them off as default.
It is about the default.. i think given that there is little documentation about features, making it known by default is the most informative option for lichess features offer to users.

Not knowing a feature exists, will not let you know that it exists, ever. Ignorance of the content or extent of that ignorance, is part of the ignorance. It is not like knowing it exists. Which is part of knowing, you know that you know it exists. should I keep going?

So, it is best to have it by default on, so at least those who might enjoy it, can see it, rather than leave it to happenstance bumping into a mysterious toggle in a flat list of toggles. I mean once one know the feature, it become easier to hunt for that toggle (given the reasoning above lol).

I have spoken! (kidding!, or am I?).

I think the burden of toggling is on the one that does not want the feature on anymore.
@dboing said in #8:
If a feature is good, people will find it for example by seeing it in videos.

> I think the burden of toggling is on the one that does not want the feature on anymore.
First you said it was easy. Now it's a burden.
well, it is easier to toggle off something you know exist, and toggle on something you don't know exist.
I videos of what. I don't watch videos for example. It is an assumption to fit the conclusion, I think.

while easy, I think lichess has to put responsibility on the feature aware user that does not like the feature.

I used burden as in "burden of proof". a figure. Easier when you know it exists to toggle it off, than turning it on, when you don't know it exists. yet it seems to be a burden. so relatively easier then.

I would not go hunting for videos in search of a feature I don't even know exists.. sorry. not wanting to debate this anymore.. I was not thinking you were that serious to the point of that last argument. you win.

open source code that keeps changing and offering new features or displacing them, makes it difficult to commit to a documentation, so it is in its ergonomic design, I would guess, to make it so that it is self discoverable the most, at the risk of erring on the obligatory diversity of tastes of a huge crowd of people.

It saves on documentation and is the most visible way of making the new feature known.. That seems obvious to me. But obvious at the scale of internet or world, is in the eye of the beholder (something like that).

Debate calisthenics, in the morning (I woke not long ago), ... Ahhh!

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