
Oldest *active* GM

With a little bit of research, I was able to come up with this list:

Vlastimil Jansa (born 1942);
Heikki Westerinen (born 1944);
Mišo Cebalo (born 1945);
Ján Plachetka (born 1945);
Iván Faragó (born 1946);
Et al...

Am I on the right track? Is there anybody OLDER than GM Jansa who *still* competes regularly?
Agadmator did a video recently on a similar topic. I want to say he knew who the oldest living GM was and the guy was mid 90s years old? I could be mistaken. I would be kidding myself to think I could remember his name. Want to say he may have been from New York City, but was born European somewhere across the pond.
I guess the answer partially depends on how do you define *active*.
@Neverness said in #3:
> @V1g1yy
> Yuri Averbakh is the oldest *living* GM. He is 100-years-old.

Thanks! With the name it was easy to find the video I had recalled. He's done several on him and I want to say there's another one from a few years back where I must have remembered the age when he was in his mid-to-late 90s.

Here's his turning 100 video.
@Abigail-III said in #4:
> I guess the answer partially depends on how do you define *active*.

It is not up to us to define "active", there is already an established and agreed upon definition being used by FIDE and other ogranisations.
Active = have played a tournament in the last 12 months.
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