
What does it feel like to be genuinely and unexpectedly superior?

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@Noflaps said in #1:
> What does it feel like to be genuinely and unexpectedly superior?
Unexpectedly superior!
This phase, I feel need some clarification.
Since you are talking about chess. If not originally, then in your latter comments.
Sounds like someone won an easy match, against an opponent they had overrated.

> But there are people here -- not many -- who wildly exceed the ordinarily superior.
You mean, that there people here, who are wastly superior to the ordinary superior people? ;-D

> But there are those who hit no wall.
Are there? For many chess players, Magnus Carlsen is that wall, but do you think he treats his opponents lightly?
> Somehow, insights multiply and chess becomes an open book for them. They wake up and win astonishing games, because they simply can.
Remember chess is a two person game.
A top tier player for example, don't play against a bottom player and expect to loose.
And if they play against peers, then, if an easy win, it is most likely the result of the others mistake(s).
Играя с людьми с завышенным рейтингом получаю большою цифру, день радуюсь - затем проиграв плачу. Начинаю понимать место в турнире дороже рейтинга.
Когда я получил 1652 очка рейтинга я день радовался, а сейчас у нас квартиру затопило из-за моих слёз. У меня рейтинг опустился до 1400

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