
Chess Rating on Lichess vs. ICC

I don't play rated games anymore, but I am curious what my rating might be on lichess if I did. When I use to play rated on ICC, I had a mid 1800 rating classical and a 1600 rating for blitz. Question...what would be a comparison rating on Lichess...I mean would it be about the same or a higher or lower?
I think the classical is comparable, but the blitz is inflated on here by at least 200 if not more. You might be close to 2000 blitz here. This is based on my own experience; I've played on many sites including ICC.
I guess if you had informations about the rating distribution on ICC you could deduce the rating you would have on Lichess.
For example, supposing that the player samples from Lichess and ICC had the same level, than if 80% of players on ICC have a rating lower than yours, you'd be around 1850 on Lichess (see ).
The problem is that you have to acknowledge two facts : the fact that our previous hypothesis is true, and the fact that I'm not mistaking ^^.
Guys I used to eat bananas. 3 bananas per day. I liked bananas so much that my mother used to call me monkey
But now for whatever reason I don't eat bananas anymore.
Can you describe me what flavor bananas have nowadays? Do you think I will still like them?

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