
Can a person blind from birth still play chess? If yes,then how?

If you're talking about online chess, Blindfold chess should do. Well, I don't really think I should be answering if a person blind can play chess as a person who isn't blind, unless you give the blind person a pair of eyes.

A correspondent wrote to the British Chess Magazine in Nov. 1889 in response to a letter suggesting such a board should be created:

To The Editor Of The B.C.M.
Dear Sir,

Chess, as an amusement for the blind, has occupied my attention for many years. I therefore read with much interest the letter of Mr. H, R. Hatherly in your current number. In 1848, being then Master of the School for the Blind in London, I constructed a chess-board and men which were very successfully used by the blind pupils, and for which I received the Silver Isis Medal from the Society of Arts, Adelphi, London. The board is very simple in its arrangement. The Black squares are raised about an eighth of an inch above the White. The pieces have large pegs at the bottom fitting into holes, so that they may be felt without being overturned. The pieces are the ordinary shape, which is very well suited to the touch—much better than if they were reduced to the same height, as suggested The Black pieces have a little point at the top, so that the difference in colour can be easily felt

Since I came to the Blind School at Sheffield, I have taught a great many of our blind pupils to play—and some play a rather strong game. We have had many matches with neighbouring clubs, in which our pupils have generally done well. On page 444 of your current number, the result of a chess tournament in connection with the Sheffield Independent is given. Your informant has, however, inadvertently omitted that special prizes were won by the blind pupils of this place, formerly pupils at the School, but now workmen at the different workshops for the blind in this town. I may add that when our local paper appears with the chess problem, it is written out in the Braille characters by six of the pupils, a teacher dictating it. These papers are then distributed amongst the competitors.

I am, dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
Wm. Wood,
School for the Blind, Broomhill, Sheffield, 18th November, 1889.
I'm completely blind (though not quite since birth), and I play chess.

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