
Tell me a joke

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Harry who?
Harry up and open the door,I'm late for school!
At the supermarket checkout, someone puts a Peppa Pig puzzle and a packet of pork mince on the conveyor belt. The salesperson asks: Ah, one in easy and one in difficult.
I asked god, why do you make me swim trough shallow waters?
God answered: Because your enemies can't swim.
I have a joke.

Why did the students in class put their feet on top of their essay? Because the teacher asked them to put footnotes on their essay!
You know when the horde of cow's run all along behind the French Bycicle competition or "Tour de France"?
Because they know each other from the Veterinary....
If you call that a joke than you can be proud of your failed miserably bad ego life and humanism.
Here another joke, devastintgly-hot is here to troll and try people out for their opinions but he went off topic and is uglier than what he text in reality.

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