
Thank you for the precise move times and clock times in PGN

Hello Thibault and Lichess admins! Thank you so much for the precise move times that get shown now and also the clock times that has been added to PGN export. Love it! I cannot thank you enough for this feature. Kudos to your entire effort of building Lichess!
Oh wow! That's insane..... people have been asking for this. Now could we pleeeeeeease have a "clock window" on the analysis board which shows the clock display so that we can see how much time each player had at each move in the game? Would be very useful.
We already have it @mCoombes314 . It's only for newer games though, because the stored move times of older games aren't accurate enough.
Oh cool! Should've realised that it wouldn't be on older games.... duh. What technological sorcery has let his happen? Every time this was asked I heard something along the lines of "it would require too much memory", which makes sense to me. What's changed?
@issacly spent a lot of time on developing an algorithm for compressing move times. It tries to predict the times and only stores the differences to that prediction.
The new feature is totally awesome, no doubt about it.
Only I wonder about the move-time-graph.
It seems to have changed as well, focusing to display tiny differences for the fast move-times very well.
I preferred the relations as they were.
This of course is a personal preference. Bullet players probably will like it as they now can determine on one sight where they wasted a precious tenths of seconds.
If you play longer time controls it is already kind of misleading and confusing.
You do not really care if you moved in 0.7 or in 1.0, but the graph shows a difference that suggests you wasted a lot of time there, but in fact the difference was only your reaction time was slightly off.

If possible it would be great to use different relations for different time-controls.
For bullet the difference of tenth of seconds could be shown (as it is now), whereas for blitz the difference of half a second would be visually still the same.
(Moving along the graph of course would still show the exact time)
I think the clock display in the analyisis board needs to be a bit bigger. Other than that, I absolutely love the feature. Thanks dev team!
@V1chess +1. At my normal zoom setting on Chrome (90%) I can only see half of it. Any further out and everything is uncomfortably small, but then I see the full move time.

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