
How can I improve to 1600-1800?

I have been playing chess online for quite some time, but seems to stuck on 1300-1350 for a long time. Just recently I recovered to 1300+ after falling under 1300. I seem to have grasped the basic principles of avoiding doubled pawns, castling and a good opening(playable). But still I see no improvement.

Sometimes, like in my last game, there is only 15 centipawn loss in average. but it many games it goes way higher than that. Sometimes the weaker players beat me more often.

Can anybody please go through my last three four games and tell me where my major difficulties lie? Are there some big mistakes in the playing strategy?

Thank you a lot! :D
an first you have to reduce your blunders. when you see a good move don't hurry to make it. and imho you must not to develop queen in the begining. at first knights and bishops, then castling.
use 'learn on your mistakes' feature, i like it)
You play really well! I briefly went over 6 of your games and I saw that with the White pieces you play a3 in the opening to stop Bb4+ but you could just develop the knight to c3 (Nc3) and if Bb4 pinning the knight then Bd2 should be fine. If Blacks going to give up the dark squared bishop on c3 for the knight then you'll at least have the bishop pair.

Also when you're in a winning position with passed pawns but lacking development, it's better to try and get all of your pieces off the first rank and into the game rather than just try and use the pawns to win as getting your other pieces out will give you much more coordination.
Solstice is completely right. Your not a bad player but you need to work on your blunder checks.
But my big piece of advice would be to use your time. The longest time I saw you spend on your move was 20 seconds and that was only in one game. on average you spend 4-5 seconds a move and it seems like you only spend time when you think you are in trouble. This is a bad habbit that you must break.

If you sincerely with to be around 1800 Fide you will need to stop playing 5-3 or 5-4 games. and start with longer games. I would recommend getting out a real chessboard and playing the moves on the board while the game plays. This will force you to slow down and it will help memory retention.
Start playing 30-30 and I would make it a rule that you cannot make a move until you have used atleast a minute. Even in the opening.

This is a trick I learned while traveling to tournaments and it really does help. If you need more advice or help feel free to message me. Good luck man.
Thank you everybody. It is true that I do not put the pieces off the first rank when I am a little ahead at the end, I will work on that. I indeed play fast and keep a lot of time 'just in case'unless I am in serious trouble. I am going to play longer games and offline games as well. Special thanks to back2basics and solstice again!
How can you improve if you play too fast? First you should play some classical games and stop playing blitz for a while. Second you need to focus on not blundering. And that's why you need more time because the solution for reducing blunders is to use part of your time to check and avoid a blunder.

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