

Is there a way that lichess can create an anti cheat where it can detect an AI move (very accurate move) without reporting? i mean even during a game when it detects, it will ban the cheater immediately.
It will never be possible to detect one single AI move. After all, there is only a small number of legal moves in any position, usually less than 100. Therefore, even a random move generator will make a very accurate move rather frequently.

Reports are necessary, because the search for cheating requires a lot of CPU power, and therefore not every game can be cheating-checked automatically.
> It will never be possible to detect one single AI move.

This is only true if you assume that detection only uses the information contained in a pgn for example.

> Reports are necessary, because the search for cheating requires a lot of CPU power, and therefore not every game can be cheating-checked automatically.

Imprecise. Cheat detection on lichess has multiple layers. Some of them require a lot of CPU power, some require very little. Every single game can and is in fact cheating-checked automatically, just not by all the tools available. When you report players, a moderator may trigger some of the more computationally intensive detection methods.
#7 exaggerated a great many things.
@biengie said in #1:
> Is there a way that lichess can create an anti cheat where it can detect an AI move (very accurate move) without reporting? i mean even during a game when it detects, it will ban the cheater immediately.

What happens if i cheat with my younger sister and play goodmoveds how will it detect and whaat happens if i played 10 top engine moves in a row will i get ban
"if i played 10 top engine moves in a row will i get ban" - obviously yes. Unless you're talking about completely trivial moves like mating with queen vs king. But in normal complex positions, humans won't find 10 top moves in a row, especially in short time. Lichess obviously detect intermittent cheating.

"if i cheat with my younger sister and play good moves" - if your younger sister is much stronger than you ... you know, Lichess has to deal with this kind of account-sharing as well, so they can detect that as well! If you suddenly play consistently stronger than your rating level, it will be suspicious!

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