
My opponent blocked me

I played some casual blitgames against my opponent.
After the games i got this message:

"first batch 67% accuracy, second 97% and third 99%. How is that . and are you interested in repeating the moves of the program? Sorry sight."

He accused me of cheating. I don ́t get it... i never cheat.
He blocked me and he doesn ́t give me a chance to have a discussion about it. It ́s a not very nice behaviour in my opinion.
Is there somehow a chance to sent a message to the opponent after he blocked me`?
@CaptnMeddl said in #1:
> I played some casual blitgames against my opponent.
> After the games i got this message:
> "first batch 67% accuracy, second 97% and third 99%. How is that . and are you interested in repeating the moves of the program? Sorry sight."
> He accused me of cheating. I don ́t get it... i never cheat.
> He blocked me and he doesn ́t give me a chance to have a discussion about it. It ́s a not very nice behaviour in my opinion.
> Is there somehow a chance to sent a message to the opponent after he blocked me`?
thats the whole point of blocking someone mate. you cant send them messages
@CaptnMeddl said in #1:
> It ́s a not very nice behaviour in my opinion.
> Is there somehow a chance to sent a message to the opponent after he blocked me?

You planning on sending him something nice?
@CaptnMeddl said in #1:

> He accused me of cheating. I don ́t get it... i never cheat.

You could report them. I'm not sure if the mods would take action, but accusing someone of cheating with no evidence is very poor behaviour.
@MrPushwood i wouldn ́t insult him. I would just let him know that his accusation is wrong and maybe i would show him where he did the positional misstakes. It was not very hard in that games to get a high accuracity.

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