
1900 bulelt rating!!

hello all! after lots of hard work i did it ! i got to 1900 bulelt rating. i thought i was stuck forever at 1800 but i worked out problem. you have to make sure no thought other than the game comes into mind. you cant complain to yourself at all and you cant think about things not related to the game. you have to quiet that voice inside you completely... if you can do that you will start to do really good at bulelt!
i am 4.5-26.5 against edot lol. improved from .5-10.5. so my ratio is 14.5% win now and it was 4.545% before. i hope to get to 20% lol
i think i will only play blitz until i get 1900 blitz? and then return to bulelt? or will that ruin my bulelt rating?
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@bigcatlion said in #1:
> hello all! after lots of hard work i did it ! i got to 1900 bulelt rating. i thought i was stuck forever at 1800 but i worked out problem. you have to make sure no thought other than the game comes into mind. you cant complain to yourself at all and you cant think about things not related to the game. you have to quiet that voice inside you completely... if you can do that you will start to do really good at bulelt!

Big congrats and good advice
I told you numerous times to focus on rapid and classical. Just as #5 said. I would have appreciated 10 times more if you had achieved 1900 rating in rapid or classical. That's real chess. Anyways, congrats.
Another thing,
You always spell, 'bullet' as 'bulelt', I don't know why.
i keep misprounce it as bull elt in real life so i type it that way. i learned how to say it wrong sorry @SamannOyB

I will go play some rapid to make you happy lol

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