
Can I get the simul page back to old behaviour?

Hi guys,

whenever I host a simul, players who want to take part (whether already admitted or not) disappear from the participants list when they leave the simul tab. I understand this is useful in open simuls to remove 'dead weight', i.e. players who join and then forget they have a game ongoing and don't move.
However, when organizing a private (e.g. team-internal) simul that is going to take place in the future, it would be useful if participants could register beforehand, without them being eliminated from the list once they leave the tab. Basically the behaviour of the simul page from a few months ago. Is there a way to achieve this?
If not, as a feature request, it would be great if the simul page behaviour depended on the restriction or visibility settings of the simul.

Thanks in advance for every answer or suggestion. Cheers!
Yeah @Wittke, not only the Simul Hosts, but also for the Simul Players, its a annoyable problem! Infact, I played some simuls and at the last moment when I get selected and wait for the simul to get started, I usually go to another tabs to see some forum stuffs, leaving the simul tab opened. But when I come back to the same Simul Tab, I see that I am not in the list of slelected players. Its like waiting for an hour, and loosing the whole hour in vain.

As per #1, yes the Simul Behaviour may be changed, or if some other ways are possible.
@AnonymousChessKing I completely agree.
I haven't noticed any difference in the percentage of my simul games that end prematurely (by my opponent leaving the simul after a few moves or not moving at all), hence this behaviour does not really achieve what it should, at least in my experience.
On the contrary, it seems to make simuls harder on both sides. Shame really, because otherwise it's an excellent feature!

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