
Study - Practice with computer

I made a study with endgame-positions I want to practice against the computer.

Unfortunately when I do that the playing strength of the computer is very low.
If I play the same position for example after editing it and choosing to play it vs. SF level 8 it is a whole different story.

Is there a way to select the engine's strength when playing against the computer in a study?
The main issue is probably that practice vs computer is using tablebases and just selects a random best move from there which often is not really the best move practically speaking. It's a known issue in a few endgame trainings on /practice.

There isn't really something you can do to change that atm.
It's a pity, because then you basically cannot practice endagames with fewer pieces.

In the study even as the stronger side the engine goes straight into a draw giving up the extra material right away - in this position for example:
8/8/1P2k3/8/1BK5/4Pb2/8/8 w - - 1 2

Thx for the info, though.

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